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Kemira Oyj complies with EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), Finnish Securities Market Act, the rules and regulations issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and Finnish Financial Supervision Authority (Fin-FSA) as well as the Guidelines for the Insiders of Listed Companies issued by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

The company has identified the persons and vice-persons responsible for the various areas of insider administration within the company, including among others compliance in general, decision-making on publishing of insider information and on delaying the publication, maintaining the insider list, overseeing the compliance with the trading restriction as well as the publication of transactions made by the persons discharging managerial responsibilities and their closely associated persons involving stocks and other financial instruments relating to Kemira.

The company has determined, as required by MAR, that the persons discharging managerial responsibilities within the company include the Board of Directors, the Managing Director (President and CEO), the Group Leadership Team as well as the secretary of the Board of Directors and the secretary of the Group Leadership Team. The persons discharging managerial responsibilities are responsible for identifying their closely associated persons and to disclose the same to Kemira.

Kemira discloses by way of stock exchange release all transactions made by the persons discharging managerial responsibilities and their closely associated persons and companies involving stocks and other financial instruments relating to Kemira, as required by MAR. According to the law, a person discharging managerial responsibilities must not make transactions with stocks or other financial instruments of a listed company during a period of 30 days preceding the publications of the interim or annual financial report of a listed company. Kemira applies a similar 30 days trade restriction to those of Kemira Group employees and stakeholders, who are involved in the preparation or publication of the interim or annual financial report and who have access to group level unpublished financial information.

Kemira Oyj’s insider list is maintained by the Legal department of the company.

Current status of managers’ shareholdings in Kemira shares:

Board of Directors

Manager Position Security Ownership
Kähkönen Matti Chair of the Board Share 20,834
Paasikivi Annika Vice Chair of the Board Share 5,722
Sejersgård Fanø Tina Member of the Board Share 4,013
Fuhrmann Werner Member of the Board Share 6,893
Lappalainen Timo Member of the Board Share 17,932
Pullola Kristian Member of the Board Share 5,582
Staffas Mikael
Member of the Board Share 2,333

Group Leadership Team

Manager Position Security Ownership
Salminen Antti President & CEO Share 143,166
Castrén Petri Member of the Group Leadership Team Share 90,140
Eronen Harri Member of the Group Leadership Team Share 22,135
Ersman Peter
Member of the Group Leadership Team Share 10,825
Hildebrandt Linus Member of the Group Leadership Team Share 8,150
Pohjolainen-Hiltunen Tuija Member of the Group Leadership Team Share 33,359
Lahtinen Sampo
Member of the Group Leadership Team Share 10,690
Matula Antti
Member of the Group Leadership Team Share 8,800
Salonen Eeva Member of the Group Leadership Team Share 102,220
Hakkila Jukka Other person discharging managerial responsibilities Share 133,487

Transaction history in the last 12 months

Board of Directors

Date Manager Ownership Security Transaction Change +/-
06/05/2024 Kähkönen Matti Own Share Remuneration +2,323
06/05/2024 Paasikivi Annika Own Share Remuneration +1,301
06/05/2024 Sejersgård Fanø Tina Own Share Remuneration +1,003
06/05/2024 Fuhrmann Werner Own Share Remuneration +1,003
06/05/2024 Lappalainen Timo Own Share Remuneration +1,003
06/05/2024 Pullola Kristian Own Share Remuneration +1,301
06/05/2024 Staffas Mikael Own Share Remuneration +1,003

Group Leadership Team

Date Manager Ownership Security Transaction Change +/-
05/03/2025 Salminen Antti Own Share Remuneration +44,000
05/03/2025 Castrén Petri Own Share Remuneration +22,000
05/03/2025 Harri Eronen Own Share Remuneration +8,800
05/03/2025 Peter Ersman Own Share Remuneration +8,800
05/03/2025 Linus Hildebrandt Own Share Remuneration +8,150
05/03/2025 Tuija Pohjolainen-Hiltunen Own Share Remuneration +8,800
05/03/2025 Sampo Lahtinen Own Share Remuneration +6,600
05/03/2025 Antti Matula Own Share Remuneration +8,800
05/03/2025 Eeva Salonen Own Share Remuneration +15,400
05/03/2025 Jukka Hakkila Own Share Remuneration +15,400
10/06/2024 Tuija Pohjolainen-Hiltunen Own Share Sold -8,420
21/05/2024 Castrén Petri Own Share Sold -10,000


Kemira Oyj managers and their closely associated persons referred to in the Market Abuse Regulation ((EU) No 596/2014, ”MAR”) are requested to follow the below instructions for notifying transactions.

  • Such notifications shall be made to Kemira Oyj and the FIN-FSA promptly and no later than three (3) business days after the date of the transaction.

Instruction for filling the transaction notification form

1. Fill in the transaction notification form via via electronic services

  • The electronic transaction notification form is available on the Financial Supervisory Authority web page.
  • Information needed on the form:
    Kemira Oyj’s LEI code: 74370031Y7RK5H88CQ48
    Names of Kemira Oyj shares: KEMIRA
    ISIN code of Kemira shares: FI0009004824
    Notification reference: Generated automatically (no need to fill in)

2. The electronic form has to be filled in via the Financial Supervisory Authority elecronic services promptly after the date of the transaction

  • In case you have authorized Kemira to notify the FSA on your behalf of the transactions, send the detailed information of the transaction to Kemira prefarably in excel or word to insiders(at)

Sending to Kemira Oyj:

Send the pdf form dowloaded from the Financial Supervisory Authority elecronic services as an e-mail to insiders(at)

  • Add your phone number to the e-mail message so that we can contact you if Kemira has questions about the notification.

Kemira Oyj publishes the notification it has received in a stock exchange release promptly and no later than two business days after receipt of the notification.

Published notifications of transactions by managers and their closely associated persons can be read on our website.

Further information on the regulation concerning the notifications of managers’ and their closely associated persons’ transactions is available at Financial Supervisory Authority.


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