
Kemira has production sites, research centers and sales offices all over the world. Our company headquarters is located in Helsinki, Finland.

Kemira Oyj
Energiakatu 4
P.O. Box 330
00101 Helsinki, Finland

Call: +358 10 8611
Fax: +358 10 862 1119
Opening hours: 8:00-16:00 EET

Prices for phone calls (incl. VAT 24%): 8.35 c/call + 16.69 c/min
Calls from abroad: relevant international call charge

Kemira Oyj's headquarters is located in Helsinki, Finland.

Sales & customer service

Find the right solution to match your needs – get in touch with our sales! You can also request material data sheet and technical data sheets.


Get in touch with sales

Request material

Material safety data sheet

Request material

Technical data sheet

Terhi Kivinen

Terhi Kivinen

Chief Communications Officer
Helsinki, Finland
Greg Morrison

Greg Morrison

Director, Global Communications
Botlek, Netherlands

Please note that these contacts are for media representatives. If you are not a media representative, please refer to other contact details or call Kemira’s switchboard +358 10 8611.

Mikko Pohjala.

Mikko Pohjala

Vice President, Investor Relations
Helsinki, Finland

Heidi Lehmuskumpu

Investor Relations Manager
Helsinki, Finland

Please note that these contacts are for shareholders, investors and analysts. In other cases, please refer to other contact details or call Kemira’s switchboard +358 10 8611.

Kemira wants to ensure a reliable, safe and responsible supply chain from end-to-end: from the procurement of raw materials to the final product and delivery to our customers. We source our raw materials responsibly and assess our suppliers against strict criteria. Some 23% of all raw materials used by us are recycled or industrial by-products from external partners. We conduct sustainability assessments on our suppliers, and ensure they meet our strict requirements for responsible business conduct, accepting our Code of Conduct for Business Partners.

Our Environmental, Health, Safety and Quality program is built on three guiding principles:

  • Zero environmental harm
  • Zero harm to people
  • Customer satisfaction

We measure and track our performance on each of these, actively identifying opportunities for continuous improvement.

Our logistics network guarantees a reliable chemical supply, worldwide. The focus is on good visibility of delivery status, optimized loads and routes, safety and customer satisfaction.

Interested in becoming a supplier?

All of the significant suppliers covering more than 40% of Kemira’s annual spend have signed a contract to undergo a human rights screening. The contract commits the suppliers to fair and equal treatment of their workforce, and specific attention is paid to not using child labor in any of their operations.

New suppliers have to undergo a minimum requirement screening that checks compliance with applicable laws, the Kemira Code of Conduct, and the Kemira Code of Conduct for suppliers, agents and distributors, and a risk assessment.


Kemira Oyj
Supply Chain Management
P.O. Box 330
FI-00101 Helsinki

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