Tissue products require the absolute highest levels of cleanliness. This is not only demanded by customers, but is also legally regulated in many countries like, for example, the FDA in the USA and BfR in Germany. Having bacteria or spores in the final tissue products that exceed the limits can be disastrous for tissue companies and brands.
To reach superior levels of hygiene, both within your machine operation and in your finished products, Kemira has very fast-acting microbiological control technology with proven track records. On your machine, a clean whitewater loop is the key to improving runnability, decreasing downtime and assuring your products are hygienic and free of contamination. To help you do this, we offer deep R&D expertise and worldwide applications experience.
Our innovative microbiological control technology provides extremely high levels of cleanliness as well as reduced slime deposit breakaways, improved felt conditioning, reduced high-pressure showering and felt vacuum levels and faster running speeds – sustainably and safely.