Kemira signs wind power deal to support climate ambitions

As part of our ambitious climate target for 2030, Kemira has signed a 10-year renewable power purchase agreement for 5MW (43,8 GWh per annum) baseload electricity. This takes us a significant step forward in our ambition to be climate neutral by 2045.
Wind farm in Norway.

Kemira’s climate target is a 30% reduction in combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, by 2030. Currently about two thirds of these emissions come from Scope 2 which are the emissions embedded in the energy that we purchase. In other words, to achieve our target it is critical for us to shift our purchasing decisions to zero-emission sources, and this wind power deal is an important step in that direction.

This renewables deal is an important first step in our plan to achieve our 2030 emissions reduction target. This is a win-win for Kemira – we have secured competitively priced energy for our operations and are moving our company towards carbon neutrality.

Petri Castrén, CFO

The wind power has been sourced from the Statkraft’s new Fosen Wind Farm Project in Norway, in the same electricity market as our main demand in Finland. This deal increases the percentage of zero-emission energy purchased for Kemira’s operations in Finland from 28 to 34%. The renewable power certificates thus utilized by Kemira will create demand for further investment in additional renewable power capacity in the market.

It is no coincidence that this deal comes immediately after we set our new climate change target. Throughout the process of evaluating options for the company, initial plans were put in place and implementation started early. In some cases, such as with this purchase decision, it was already clear early on that this was a cost-effective option if the right projects could be found.

Purchasing renewable energy is part of a suite of options that we are now implementing. The key solutions that will enable us to meet our ambition of carbon neutrality by 2045 also include: switching to renewables for our power, heat and steam generation, electrification of processes, and energy efficiency at our sites.

To achieve our climate change target, it is critical for us to shift our purchasing decisions to zero-emission sources, and this wind power deal is an important step in that direction.

Thierry Blomet, SPV Sourcing



reduction of GHG emissions by 2030

Zero-emission energy represents


(541 GWh) of Kemira’s purchased energy for Finland

Finland represents


of Kemira’s global GHG emissions

Further details about our energy use and GHG emissions can be found in our 2019 Corporate Sustainability Report

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