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on-demand webinar

Strength in recycled board

The quality of recycled fiber (RCF) continues to decrease at the same time as the market demand for high-performing, durable, and lightweight fiber-based packaging materials increases. For the paper and board manufacturers who aim for cost-efficient production of quality end-product with the lower quality raw material, improving and optimizing the dry strength properties of the recycled board is crucial.

In this  45-minute on-demand webinar you will hear about

  • the market demand for high strength performance in paper and board packaging grades
  • the challenges with declining RCF quality and RCF availability
  • the role of chemical solutions in optimizing strength properties
  • the importance of microbiological control in maintaining strength in recycled fiber
  • Kemira’s new dry strength concept that enables +15% increase in strength performance
  • the benefits of improved strength properties with case examples

In this webinar, our experts focus on the challenges with RFC and share their expertise on how to optimize strength in recycled board with effective chemical solutions. We’ll discuss Kemira’s dry strength solutions, which overcome the many challenges that come from using RCF as furnish and allow you to improve the strength performance in recycled board.

In addition, you’ll learn how microbiological activity can impact fiber strength. We’ll share interesting results from our recent research that was conducted at RCF containerboard machines around the world and discuss the importance of microbe control in improving strength performance of recycled fiber.

Join us to discover a holistic approach to strength in recycled board and learn how effective dry strength chemistries give you the needed flexibility for optimizing your production and costs, and help you achieve your specific quality targets.

Thank you!

We will send you the webinar link shortly via email.


Harold Goldsberry.

Harold Goldsberry

Sr Manager, Strategic Projects
Applications, Americas
Mikko Virtanen.

Mikko Virtanen

Manager, Applications & Marketing
Applications, EMEA
Jaakko Ekman.

Jaakko Ekman

Sr Research Scientist, Microbiology & Biotechnology
R&D and Technology, Global
Riikka Tietäväinen-Arola.

Riikka Tietäväinen-Arola

Webinar host, Strategic Marketing Manager

You should attend this webinar if you want to discover an effective and holistic approach to improving strength in recycled board, allowing you to optimize your production efficiency, product quality, and cost when using recycled fiber.

Webinar average rating:  “4/Good”

Scale: 1/poor- 5 /excellent,
>50 surveyed  live webinar attendees

Very informative, great use of the technical background and case studies

Feedback from live session

Novel approach to old problems with the microbial characterization of systems.

Feedback from live session

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