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Kemira as a sustainable investment

Kemira is a global leader in sustainable chemical solutions for water-intensive industries – with roots over a hundred years ago. Our customers include large companies in the pulp and paper sector, as well as municipal and industrial water treatment companies. With our solutions, our customers can advance circularity and responsible resource stewardship in their value chains.

Listed on Nasdaq Helsinki, Kemira’s turnover was some 2.9 billion euros and the number of personnel around 4,700 in 2024.

Sustainability-driven growth strategy

Our vision is to be the first choice in chemistry for water-intensive industries. After several years of profitability improvement, Kemira now focuses on profitable growth – especially in water treatment.

Sustainability transformation is driving the growth, and our aim is to double the revenue from the 2024 level in water in the long run. This is supported by the tightening regulation globally. In addition, by the end of 2030 over 500 million of our revenue is targeted to come from renewable solutions.

Our long-term financial goals are

  • Average annual organic growth over 4%
  • Operative EBITDA margin of 18–21%
  • Operative ROCE over 16%

Learn more about growth drivers

Three business units – different growth avenues

Kemira has three different business units, with slightly different profiles.

Water Solutions

  • Provides water treatment solutions for both municipal and industrial water treatment facilities
  • ~45% of total sales
  • Strong focus on growth and cash flow

Packaging & Hygiene Solutions

  • Focuses on the growing renewable solutions market, particularly packaging
  • ~35% of total sales
  • Attractive, potential new growth markets: molded fibers, textile fibers, renewable chemistry solutions & digital services

Fiber Essentials

  • Provides critical chemicals for the pulp and bleaching market
  • ~20% of total sales
  • Sodium Chlorate the largest business; market growing particularly in South America

Why invest in Kemira?

Kemira combines a resilient business model, sustainability-driven growth, and strong financial performance. As a market leader in pulp & paper and water treatment, it’s well-positioned for profitable growth, supported by a robust balance sheet and attractive dividends.

Our commitment to sustainability supports customers and our profitable growth ambitions

We enable our industry’s sustainability transformation. Our sustainability commitment makes us a preferred partner for customers and suppliers. We have clear and measurable targets – top performer in the chemical industry with Science-Based Targets Initiative commitment.


of global energy use is emission free


of products improve customer resource efficiency


of used raw materials are renewable or recycled


of scope 1 & 2 emissions reduced since base year 2018

How do our products make the world a better place?

At Kemira, we take on some of the world’s biggest challenges, working relentlessly to solve them with chemistry, and the firm belief that a more sustainable society is possible. From cleaning drinking water and treating wastewater, reducing and replacing plastics in packaging and enabling recyclability of fibers and textiles, we focus on chemistry that makes a meaningful difference to quality of life.

Water Solutions

The need for water treatment is constantly increasing both in the municipal and industrial sectors due to the tightening regulation. Chemical water treatment provides the most effective solution with the smallest possible environmental footprint.

Case: Chemical water treatment improves efficiency

Chemicals can bring substantial energy-savings in the wastewater treatment process. Our unique, broad range of water treatment expertise and products offers solutions to all wastewater challenges.

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Packaging & Hygiene Solutions

In collaboration with our customers, we are increasingly developing sustainable packaging and hygiene solutions with the aim to increase recyclability and decrease environmental impact.

Case: Barrier coatings

Barrier coatings are being constantly developed to replace plastics and fluorochemicals used in paper, board, and molded fiber packaging. The high-performing barrier coatings provide grease, oil, water, and moisture barrier properties for food service applications and enable recyclable and repulpable packaging materials.

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crimped white cellulosic fibers on a stack of fabric
Fiber Essentials

Cellulosic fiber, a renewable and recyclable resource, is crucial for the circular economy. Our chemistry helps to improve the recycled fiber quality and content, as well as energy and water efficiency in paper mills.

Case: Strong, bright and clean pulp

We have a complete portfolio of bleaching chemicals for chemical, mechanical, and recycled pulp bleaching. Combined with our strong know-how in fiber processing and different bleaching applications, we can support our customers in producing strong, bright, and clean pulp for paper, board and tissues grades.

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Sustainability KPIs

Kemira updated its sustainability targets in 2021 and identified five themes as sustainability focus areas: safety, people, water, circularity and climate.

SDG KPI UNIT 2024 2023

TRIF* 2.2 by the end of 2025 and 1.5 by the end of 2030

3.2 2.5

Reach Glint top 10% cross industry norm for Diversity & Inclusion by the end of 2025

Slightly outside the top 25% In the top 25%

Reduce waste intensity** by 15% by the end of 2030 from a 2019 baseline of 4.4

kg/tonnes of production 4.2 4.1
Renewable solutions > EUR 500 million revenue by the end of 2030 EUR million 240 226

Reach the Leadership level (A-/A) in water management by the end of 2025, as measured by CDP Water Security scoring methodology

Rate scale A-D B B

Scope 1 and 2*** emissions -51.23% by the end of 2030, compared to 2018 baseline of 894 ktCO2e.

ktCO2e 586 589
Scope 3 emissions by -32.5% by the end of 2033 from a 2021 base year of 2.337.5 ktCO2e ktCO2e 1,881 1,863

*TRIF = total recordable injury frequency per million hours, Kemira + contractors
**kilograms of disposed production waste per metric tonnes of production. After the divestment of the Oil & Gas business, Kemira’s waste target was adjusted in Q2/2024 to exclude the impact of all divestments since the baseline year 2019. Reported figures for 2022 and 2023 have also been adjusted.
***Kemira’s climate target has been updated to reflect the SBTi validation. Also 2018 baseline and years 2022 and 2023 have been adjusted to
reflect the divestment of the Oil & Gas business and other minor divestments.
Scope 1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions from Kemira’s manufacturing sites, e.g. the generation of energy and emissions from manufacturing processes.
Scope 2: Indirect greenhouse gas emissions from external generation and purchase of electricity, heating, cooling, and steam.
Scope 3: : Indirect greenhouse gas emissions from purchased raw materials, traded goods and transportation of materials.

Kemira has been widely acknowledged for its commitment to sustainability

Kemira actively participates in various sustainability surveys. Below a list of some sustainability rankings for Kemira vs. chemical industry benchmark.

The SBTi has validated Kemira’s science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets

Kemira is a true frontrunner in the chemical industry. In 2024 Kemira joined a group of only ~160 chemical companies who have validated science-based climate targets.

Scope 1 & 2 target

~52% reduction

by the end of 2030, base year 2018

Scope 3 target

~33% reduction

by the end of 2033, base year 2021

Long-term ambition

Carbon neutrality

by 2045

Global reach – local excellence

Kemira has 58 sites globally in 38 different countries. Kemira is an agile company – operating globally but always within close proximity to its customers. Kemira’s core strengthts are the high quality of its products and the company’s track record as a reliable partner.

Kemira has innovation centers in all the continents where it operates and is developing new products and services also in close collaboration with its customers to improve water, energy and raw material efficiency.

Investor contacts

Mikko Pohjala.

Mikko Pohjala

Vice President, Investor Relations
Helsinki, Finland

Heidi Lehmuskumpu

Investor Relations Manager
Helsinki, Finland
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