The mining industry in Africa produces more than 60 metals and mineral products. Copper and gold are among the strategic core ores on which Kemira has decided to focus in Africa. In addition to the thickening
process, we are actively developing solutions to tackle issues related to tailings ponds, for example.
Treating water at different stages of the mining process is where we aim to excel. Providing expertise in product selection, dosing, testing and supervising trials is our way to help our customers improve their
processes in Africa and create a sustainable growth platform for Kemira.
Kemira South Africa Ltd was registered in October 2012, with its office located to the west of Johannesburg.
What is the core function of Kemira SA?
It was established to serve as a base for business development and customer support for mining industries in Africa and the Middle East. Currently, sales management is focusing on South Africa, Zambia, the DRC, Ghana and Burkina Faso, among other countries. In business development, the focus is on southern and central African states and the western and the eastern African coast. The goal is to become the preferred supplier of water- and process-related chemistries to the mining industry.
What is the demand for Kemira’s products and expertise in Africa?
Continuous infrastructure development and the huge potential for the discovery and development of mineral resources make the region attractive for many large international mining companies. Due to our international exposure and technical expertise, many investors and mine operators in Africa turn to us for process- and water-related chemistries.
Your goal is to become the preferred supplier of water- and process-related chemistries to the mining industry?
We have already established a firm position as the major flocculant supplier for copper mine thickening processes in Zambia and the DRC. We have managed to achieve this through our close cooperation with customers and based on our solid application knowledge.
The questions were answered by James Miller, Sales Manager, Oil & Mining.