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Millenium-winner Nakamura In Finland Sept. 24-28, 2007

The Winner of the Millennium Technology Prize 2006 Professor Shuji Nakamura started his tour in Finland from Kemira’s research center in Espoo, September 24, 2007.Professor Nakamura talked not only about the new revolutionary source of light – bright-blue, green and white LEDs – but also about the work and attitude required to attain these innovations. “How my innovation came to existence; the trails and triumphs of a young researcher”.
Nakamura is nowadays working in the University of California, Santa Barbara in Solid State Lightning and Display Center. His inventions are having an extensive impact in many areas that improve human quality of life and promote sustainable development, for example energy-efficient lightning, sterilization of drinking water and optical data storage.

Kemira is sponsoring Millennium Technology Prize, worth 1,000,000 euros. The prize awarded every second year.

“In our capacity as one of the Main Partners of the Millennium prize, our objective is to promote and to bring to the fore Finnish know-how in the field of chemistry. By creating a keen network of innovation and development with our customers, research institutions and universities, our aim globally is to reach ever higher levels in our business activities,” says Kemira’s CEO Lasse Kurkilahti.



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