An Open Doors event was held at Industrial Park in Helsingborg on September 6, 2014. The weather was sunny and beautiful and the event had 1100 visitors.
At the entrance Kemira had tents with the themes Environmental and Industrial symbiosis, as well as an exhibition of the history of the company and staff. Kemira and other companies in the industrial park participated in the event by sharing information about the companies or by having plant tours. There was also an experimental workshop with the dragon Berta for the kids.
Kemira also had a theme of the anniversaries – 140 years ago Kemira Kemi was founded, 40 years ago district heat deliveries started to Helsingborg with Öresundskraft and 25 years ago Kemira acquired Boliden Kemi – and offered popular candy from each era.
Six veteran buses took visitors around the site and they could hop off at the Sulfuric acid, Hydrogen peroxide, Ecox, Coagulant and Hydrochloric acid plants as well as Yara and Interlink. There were tents in front of the plants with experiments for children, for example to make their own paper.
Guests were invited to a light meal in the Restaurant Koppargrytan and there was a crossword puzzle that was handed over at the exit. The prize was a hand warmer, a reminder of both energy and water. The key words for the crossword were Our chemistry – your everyday life.

Pictures from the Open House event