The Associação dos Funcionários da Kemira (AFK) has sponsored the publication and distribution of the children’s book Peraltice de Moleque, written by company employee Sebastiãode Sá (Tião). He is a microbiologist andcurrently the Senior Scientist for South America in Kemira’s biocides area.

Tião with his wife and children Luis Felipe and Jamile Maíra at the launch of the book at the Livraria Encanto Natural in the city of São Paulo
The inspiration to write a children’s book began at home, at a time when his small children liked to listen to stories. “To take advantage of the short time I had with them, I decided to invent some stories using my professional experience. I used this resource to pass on important messages in a way that interested them,” explains Tião.
Between February and April 2012, more than two thousand copies of the book, which discusses respect for differences and the environment in simple and fun language, were distributed to employees, outsourced workers, and underprivileged children at schools located in the cities where the company operates. The book tells the story of boys that like fishing a lot but end up catching frogs and not fish and resolve to give fireflies to the frogs to eat, in order to differentiate them.
The moral of the story is presented by the mother, who sees the change in color in the frogs and goes to find out what’s been happening.
Sarah Albernaz delivers 290 examples of the book to students at the EMEI Dr. Albert Sabin in the city of São Paulo
According to Onel Lopes, Manager of the Telêmaco Borba Plant and President of the AFK, the objective of this project was to encourage children to have more contact with books so that they can go beyond the boundaries of school and, furthermore, to engage Kemira employees in social actions, encouraging them to bring new ideas and projects to improve education in Brazil. Up to now, more than 900 copies have been distributed to schools in São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina.