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UN has declared access to clean water and sanitation a human right

style=width:202px;height:202pxSafe and clean drinking water and sanitation is a human right, declared the UN General Assembly on Wednesday July 28, 2010.

The Assembly resolution received 122 votes in favour and zero votes against, while 41 countries abstained from voting.

The vote reflects the differences in opinions in wealthy North and poor South. Among others the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Denmark and Ireland abstained from voting. Several African countries followed the example set by the wealthy industrial countries.

Before the deciding vote the matter had been up for discussion in the UN for nearly 15 years.

According to UN nearly 2 billion people live in areas affected by water related problems and nearly 3 billion live a kilometer away from running water. Studies also indicate that about 2 million people – most of them children – die each year because of water- and sanitation-related diseases.

It is estimated that the consumption of fresh water will increase by 25 % by the year 2030. The need for fresh water is great in especially India and China.

Plan supports in all its’ activities the right for clean water for children and their communities. In November 2009 Plan Finland and Kemira took on cooperation to support children’s right to water, health and development. Plan and Kemira share clean water and sanitation related development projects in Ethiopia, Bolivia and China.

Text: Plan Finland

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