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10/8/2008 - Stock exchange release

Kemira has concluded co-determination negotiations in Finland

Kemira Oyj
Stock exchange release
October 8, 2008, at 15.15 (CET+1)
Kemira’s co-determination negotiations in Finland have been concluded. Negotiations concerned Kemira’s sites in Oulu, Vaasa, Äetsä, Espoo and Helsinki. As result of the negotiations the net reduction of personnel will be 298 in Finland. Out of these jobs 191 will be direct lay-offs and 107 persons will leave the company through pension schemes and termination of temporary employments. It was estimated in the beginning of the negotiations process that the net reduction would be about 300 persons in Finland.
It was agreed during the negotiations that a support package would be given to persons affected. Benefits in the support package will be directed towards actions that help people to find new jobs in a fast and efficient way. The most important parts of the package will include financial support to people moving to other Kemira locations, outplacement services, a new fund for financing re-education, pension arrangements and financial compensation. 
Kemira Oyj
Timo Leppä, Executive Vice President, Group Communications
For more information, please contact
Kemira Oyj
Jukka Oinonen
Vice President, Human Resources, Finland
Phone: +358 10 862 1006
Timo Leppä
Executive Vice President, Group Communications
Phone +358 10 862 1700
Kemira will be a focused company, the best in water and fiber management chemistry.
In 2007, Kemira recorded revenue of approximately EUR 2.8 billion and had a staff of 10,000. Kemira operates in 40 countries.
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