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Brown cardboard food packages.

Paper and board for food contact: 3 hot topics

The value chain for fiber-based food contact materials is long and diverse. Ensuring the safety of paper and board that is intended for food contact applications is a key priority for everyone. What topics are current in the industry?
A person taking drinking water from a kitchen tap.

Our most valuable asset?

It is hard to overstate the importance of fresh water. Everything we drink and eat – meat or vegetable – requires fresh water. And though many do not realize it, every source of energy we have uses fresh water at some stage of the process.
A person selecting grocery items.

New Year's resolutions on food, packaging and waste

New year is the time to make resolutions for a healthier, happier future. Starting a new decade, many of us are stopping to rethink our lives also with the environment in mind and committing to small everyday changes. We took a look at the findings from our recent international survey on consumers attitudes toward food packaging materials, food shopping, and food waste. Based on those, here are some goals that might be found on many resolutions lists for the new year.
Puddle reflection in Stockholm city street.

Behind the price tag of a wastewater treatment plant

The majority of existing wastewater treatment infrastructure was designed and commissioned decades ago. Today, municipalities are facing increasing demands on capacity with urbanization. When funds for new investments are tight, it pays back to carefully study the impact of different treatment process setups on total lifecycle costs.
Several brown food packages on the table.

Meeting the challenge of microbe control in hygienic board

Over 14 million tons of hygienic board is produced every year for packaging different types of food and beverages. For many board mills, staying compliant with the food contact regulations is a continuous balancing act, and the usual suspects for out-of-spec production are bacterial spores. How does one control microbes and prevent spores in hygienic board machines?
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