Sunflower oil instead of fossil-based olefins – Kemira innovation in internal sizing chemistry helps paper and board producers increase the share of renewable raw materials in their production. Here are the most frequently asked questions about our novel renewable sizing chemistry, the sunflower ASA, and answers to them.
One key item our customers have highlighted in their feedback and complimented our performance on, is the steady and reliable supply of water treatment chemicals we have available. Our extensive network of manufacturing sites is built with this customer need in mind.
In Kemira R&D, complementing and replacing fossil-based raw materials with renewable ones is a goal of several on-going projects. One such project is the EU funded VEHICLE, which keeps Research Scientist Brita Peltokoski busy.
Recently, Kemira investigated what food and its packaging could look like in ten years’ time. Four possible futures were identified in the scenario work, and one of them is all about green packaging experiences.
Stormwater flows can present big challenges for wastewater treatment plants, with huge water volumes needing to be processed in a very short space of time. Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment solutions help operators to tackle acute stormwater flows efficiently and cost-effectively without any major investments.
Food is much more than simply what’s on the plate. For many, it is also a significant way of self-expression – not just fuel for the engine, but something that describes and defines who we are. We recently investigated how we will purchase, package, and consume food in ten years’ time. According to one of the four future scenarios that were identified, “You are what you eat” could be the mantra that most consumers will live by.
To help water treatment plant operators do their job, even in turbulent times, is of crucial importance. This also means that sufficient treatment chemistries, logistics and labor must be available.
As part of our ambitious climate target for 2030, Kemira has signed a 10-year renewable power purchase agreement for 5MW (43,8 GWh per annum) baseload electricity. This takes us a significant step forward in our ambition to be climate neutral by 2045.
This summer, Aranda, a research vessel of the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) operating in the Baltic Sea, will start the experimental use of a fuel cell system fueled by excess hydrogen from Kemira’s Äetsä plant in a pilot project coordinated by the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
With a clear and ambitious milestone target for 2030, Kemira has now joined the growing ranks of global companies ultimately aiming for carbon neutrality and supporting the Paris Agreement. We’ve seen impressive commitments from many of our customers and recognize that we also need to play our part in helping to achieve these.