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Stories theme: Digital services

Patricia Aubeuf-Prieur.

Time to switch gear in water treatment

Most municipal wastewater treatment plants are already reaching a good level in terms of their capability to meet regulatory requirements and manage day-to-day challenges; now it is time to switch gear and focus on optimizing processes and reducing resource consumption.
Two workers in a factory monitor room.

Seeing beyond the price tag with Value-Based Purchasing

The job of a public procurer is to get the best value possible for taxpayers’ money. More and more that means considering a much wider range of criteria than just price, quality, and quantity. How can municipalities and other buyers of wastewater treatment chemical technologies get the best possible long-term benefits?
Athletes practicing swimming for triathlon in a sea.

Going for gold in the safe water competition

With water scarcity driving the need to increase wastewater reuse, combined with concerns over the energy consumption and environmental impact of some disinfection methods, many wastewater treatment operators are seeking out new solutions for wastewater disinfection.
A factory worker holding a tablet and observing the production.

Smart solutions for a market in transition

Municipal and industrial water treatment is poised to enter an era of significant change, with key regulatory updates on the horizon and cost pressures putting an increasingly tight squeeze on aging infrastructure and operating expenses alike. Wido Waelput, Senior Vice President and Jesper Berner, Sr. Manager of Advanced Water Treatment at Kemira share their thoughts on the big issues facing the industry today.
Two factory workers focusing on a monitor and dashboard.

A solid win-win for Lahti Aqua

There’s no getting away from it – where there’s water treatment, there’s sludge. The more water you treat, the more sludge there is to deal with. So when Lahti Aqua was looking for a smart way to cut sludge management and disposal costs, they turned to Kemira’s KemConnect SD – and a groundbreaking performance-based agreement that’s making sure it’s a win-win for everyone involved.
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