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Stories theme: Packaging

Liquid packages.

Predicting the future at hygienic board mills

With global demand for food and beverage packaging continuing to rise, producing hygienic board is a good business for many mills. But it’s not as simple as just maintaining the machinery and adding some biocide to keep microbial activity in check. Kemira experts discuss what it takes to ensure high hygiene of board and productivity of machine.
A composition of food packages.

A light-weight approach to a heavy problem

Resource efficiency and the strive for circular economy are topics every company need to take seriously. For food producers, this means using renewable and recyclable fiber-based food packaging – while ensuring it’s hygienic, robust, and – increasingly – lighter in weight.
Reetta Strengell.

Chemistry – the unsung hero of food packaging

Refrigerators full of leaking cartons, hands greasy from fast-food packages – welcome to a world without chemistry. Though invisible to the naked eye, chemistry plays a big role in our everyday lives and is a key enabler in the move toward renewable food packaging alternatives.
Antti Matula.

A closer look at food packaging

Recycling and regulation emerge as some of the keywords of our time. These topics go hand-in-hand with great global challenges we need to solve. Here, Kemira has valuable expertise to offer.
Harri Eronen and Sami Puttonen.

Biobased food packaging - a union of fibers and chemistry

Sami Puttonen, Senior Manager in Sizing & Surface Business Development, sees the bigger picture when it comes to food packaging. After 11 years working at Kemira he believes that the solutions to the global issues of food waste and sustainable packaging could come from many surprising directions.
Two persons by the small coffee table with papercups.

Wake up & smell the coffee

From a simple cup of black coffee to a salted caramel mocha frappuccino, each coffee drinker has their own favorite way of indulging in this caffeinated beverage. Many choose to enjoy their drink on the go which requires a lot from the cup.
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