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Stories theme: Water

A person holding a glass under pouring tap water.

Four in ten Americans distrust their tap water

Most people in the US have access to clean, safe drinking water at home. But only 60%% of Americans trust the water that comes from their taps, according to a recent survey commissioned by Kemira. That means that more than one in every three American feels unsure about drinking their tap water.
An aerial image on the flooded area on a residential district.

Adapting business to new realities

Limiting climate change is quickly rising to the top of many companies’ agendas, and rightfully so. An increasing number of companies are trying to reduce their impacts on climate change by comitting to their own targets based on science. Kemira is one of them. Our ambition is net zero emissions by 2045.
Feet walking through puddle water splashes.

Nature-based solutions for resilient cities

The world is being rapidly transformed by the processes of urbanization and climate change. With these changes, many harmful consequences are felt, especially on water resources. Sustainable urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) offer tools to lessen the impacts of these problems by creating spaces in urban environments where rainfall can be collected by vegetation and soil.
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