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On-demand webinar

Biobased polymers in water treatment – first experiences

In this webinar, you will learn why HSY in Finland has opted for Kemira’s novel biomass balance polyacrylamide, a water-soluble polymer, for their sludge dewatering process, and how it is contributing to HSY´s sustainability performance. HSY is the regional authority that provides municipal water supply and waste management services as well as information on the Helsinki metropolitan area and the environment.

Topics discussed:

  • HSY and their sustainability challenges & commitments
  • What is a biomass balance polymer and how is it manufactured
  • How does the biomass balance polymer compare to traditional polymers
  • Why choose the mass balance approach
  • What is HSY using the novel polymer for and how is it performing
  • What might the future bring

If you are looking to make your water treatment processes more sustainable without any compromise to performance, this is the session for you!


Mari Heinonen

Mari Heinonen

Director of Water Services
HSY, Helsinki Region Environmental Services

David Normington

Director, Product Lines, Process Chemicals
Jan Wedel

Jan Wedel

Webinar host
Manager, Global Marketing Communications, Industry & Water

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