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Fine paper mill improves performance with TCM

We worked together with a fine paper mill to improve their operational efficiency. We suggested Kemira Total Chemistry Management (TCM) as the most effective option.
Factory worker with the helmet and earmuffs.
Customer facts

machine speed



total production


1000 tons / year

We worked together with a fine paper mill to improve their operational efficiency. The customer produces copy and offset printing paper from recycled fiber/market pulp furnish and their machine runs at 1,500 m/min for a combined total of 300 000 tons per year.

Since the mill was already using Kemira’s deinking chemicals, they decided to consult us about ways to improve their operational efficiency. We suggested Kemira Total Chemistry Management (TCM) as the most effective option.

The customer improved runnability, performance, and paper quality, while reducing total chemical spend.

After evaluating the benefits, the customer decided to opt for TCM and to trust Kemira to handle all their chemical needs. The result was that they reduced their total chemical spend, while improving machine runnability due to RCF and wet end chemical optimization, and they improved paper formation and strength, too. The mill’s performance was also enhanced, thanks to Kemira’s improved polymer technology for water treatment and retention.

In addition, with TCM, the customer now has 2 engineers on-site for better service and complete peace of mind.

Customer benefits



chemical spend






and paper formation

A person using a tablet computer.

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