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Our approach

Sustainability touches nearly all aspects of our business.

Every day across Kemira, people work together to improve our company’s performance. It starts with responsible business practices like understanding potential risks and opportunities, engaging stakeholders, and following through on our commitments.

Materiality Assessment

Making responsible decisions by thinking about the future

We regularly conduct a double-materiality assessment in compliance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). It analyses the environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts, risks, and opportunities of our business and full value chain.


Doing better every day through collaboration

How can you know what someone thinks if you don’t ask? We regularly talk to our customers, shareholders, lenders, employees, contractors, suppliers and other stakeholder groups about their expectations and potential concerns. We share information, engage in active dialogue, and collaborate on issues where we have mutual interest.

Our driving force

Customer Satisfaction

We proudly hold a Net Promoter Score of 59 because we are committed to going above and beyond for our customers. For example, when Paris hosted the summer Olympics, they knew the team at Kemira could help them tackle a huge challenge: making the Seine River swimmable.



We report sustainability-related impact, risks, and opportunities in several publicly available places. For example, people can find risk management information on our Investors page and detailed ESG information in our Sustainability Statement published online.



We collaborate with key business development and innovation partners, universities, and research institutions. For instance, Kemira’s collaboration with Delft University and Wetsus, a technology center, is helping companies like Veolia improve wastewater treatment.


Creating jobs

At Kemira, we create job opportunities and partnerships for local communities. With 5,000 people worldwide and employee resource groups like our Women’s Network and the KemPride Employee Network, we are a highly skilled, diverse team united by our values and purpose.



External parties like CDP, EcoVadis, MSCI and other investor platforms have recognized Kemira for bettering society and safeguarding the environment. In 2024, we were among the top 5% of companies evaluated by EcoVadis in the chemical industry category.

Our Commitments

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) articulate a shared global ambition for a sustainable world. Out of the 17 SDGs, we have chosen four goals where we believe we can make the most difference by reducing our negative impacts and increasing our positive impacts, by mitigating out main risks and taking advantage of our biggest opportunities.

Read more from our sustainability report

Read more about UN’s Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs)

Kemira has been a signatory to the UN Global Compact since 2014. We are committed to its 10 principles that promote human rights, implement decent work practices, reduce environmental impact, and combat corruption. We also adhere to the UN’s Guiding Principles.

For Kemira, another important aspect of the UN Global Compact is the CEO Water Mandate, which promotes water stewardship.

Our world-class water management

The Forward Faster initiative unites businesses around the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to accelerate global progress. In 2023, Kemira committed to UN Forward Faster and the Water Resilience area of action related to SDG 6 for water resilience. We are providing solutions and working with customers and stakeholders along global value chains.

Community story about water scarcity or resilience

Climate change is the biggest challenge facing humanity. Kemira is part of the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) because we want to make sure that our climate action is fact-based and aligned with the scientific community. For detailed information, please read our Sustainability Statement.


Reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2030


Reduction in absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions by 2033.

Responsible Care® is a voluntary commitment by the global chemical industry to drive continuous improvement and achieve excellence in environmental, health and safety, and security performance. Kemira was among the first companies in Finland committed to Responsible Care®.

Activities through this framework enhance public confidence in our industry’s ability to safely manage chemicals throughout their lifecycle while ensuring that chemistry continues to contribute to a healthier environment, improved living standards, and a better quality of life for all.

Explore product stewardship

In 2022, Kemira joined the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) to partner with leading companies and accelerate the transition from fossil-based carbon to renewable carbon and raw materials. Becoming a member of RCI demonstrates our commitment to advancing innovative sustainability practices with a focus on promoting circularity and a bio-based economy.

Read more about Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI)

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