Kemira’s latest sustainability ratings
Kemira's Sustainability statement is structured based on the order and requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). It includes General disclosure and three main topical standard sections: Environmental information, Social information and Governance information. General disclosure includes e.g Kemira’s materiality assessment process, threshold and identified material impacts, risks and opportunities. Material impacts, risks and opportunities and a management summary are presented at the beginning of each material topic section, these are then followed by Kemira’s policies, actions, targets and metrics which are connected in each instance.
Our stakeholders share an interest in our sustainability performance, so we actively report our progress to external rating offices to increase transparency around sustainability topics. Kemira is clearly positioned as a top performer.
EcoVadis is a comprehensive business sustainability rating tool based on international sustainability standards. Its methodology uses indicators across four main pillars: Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. Kemira holds The EcoVadis gold level rating, making us in the top 2% of companies worldwide.
Disclosure via CDP increases transparency toward the investor community and our partners along the value chain. Kemira has a B score in the CDP Climate rankings and CDP Water Security. Kemira has been reporting to CDP since 2010.
MSCI ESG Ratings aim to identify the management of significant ESG risks and opportunities. Kemira’s rating with MSCI is on the highest level, AAA, meaning we are on the leading level in chemical industry in regards of managing the most significant ESG risks and opportunities. This rating places us amongst the top 5% of companies worldwide.
Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings assess industry-specific material ESG risks and their management. In Sustainalytics we have a score of 22.7, making us place in the top 16% of companies worldwide.
For ISS ESG Rating companies are rated based on their sustainability performance. Kemira is rated on the C level by ISS ESG.
Kemira is a member of Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council, the Renewable Carbon Initiative and Kemianteollisuus ry, which is a national chemical industry association in Finland.