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Sustainability Statement 2024

Kemira's Sustainability statement is structured based on the order and requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). It includes General disclosure and three main topical standard sections: Environmental information, Social information and Governance information. General disclosure includes e.g Kemira’s materiality assessment process, threshold and identified material impacts, risks and opportunities. Material impacts, risks and opportunities and a management summary are presented at the beginning of each material topic section, these are then followed by Kemira’s policies, actions, targets and metrics which are connected in each instance.

Kemira rates amongst the top performers in the chemical industry

Our stakeholders share an interest in our sustainability performance, so we actively report our progress to external rating offices to increase transparency around sustainability topics. Kemira is clearly positioned as a top performer.


EcoVadis is a comprehensive business sustainability rating tool based on international sustainability standards. Its methodology uses indicators across four main pillars: Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. Kemira holds The EcoVadis gold level rating, making us in the top 2% of companies worldwide.


Disclosure via CDP increases transparency toward the investor community and our partners along the value chain. Kemira has a B score in the CDP Climate rankings and CDP Water Security. Kemira has been reporting to CDP since 2010.


MSCI ESG Ratings aim to identify the management of significant ESG risks and opportunities. Kemira’s rating with MSCI is on the highest level, AAA, meaning we are on the leading level in chemical industry in regards of managing the most significant ESG risks and opportunities. This rating places us amongst the top 5% of companies worldwide.


Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings assess industry-specific material ESG risks and their management. In Sustainalytics we have a score of 22.7, making us place in the top 16% of companies worldwide.


For ISS ESG Rating companies are rated based on their sustainability performance. Kemira is rated on the C level by ISS ESG.


Kemira is a member of Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council, the Renewable Carbon Initiative and Kemianteollisuus ry, which is a national chemical industry association in Finland.

Kemira’s latest sustainability ratings


Frequently asked questions

Global, pressing challenges drive Kemira’s strategic agenda. Climate change, water scarcity, and the responsible use of limited resources to meet the needs of a growing global population are some of the defining challenges of our times.

Our strategic agenda is heavily focused on our sustainability transformation

  • Expand in water
  • Build a leading renewable solutions portfolio
  • Create a significant digital services business


Kemira is a leading provider of sustainable chemical solutions for water-intensive industries

We enable more sustainable processes and products for our customers

We aim for long-term growth

We continue to drive profitability and operational excellence

Kemira has a set of sustainability targets in place that can be seen below.

Theme Sustainability Target
Safety TRIF* 2.2 by the end of 2025 and 1.5 by the end of 2030*TRIF = total recordable injury frequency per million hours, Kemira + contractors, year-to-date
People Reach top 10% cross industry norm for diversity & inclusion by the end of 2025
Circularity Reduce waste intensity by 15% by the end of 2030. Renewable solutions > 500 million EUR revenue by the end of 2030
Water Continuously improve freshwater use intensity. Leadership level Achieve CDP’s world-class water management by the end of 2025
Climate Reducing scope 1 & 2 emissions by 52% by the end of 2030 and reduce scope 3 emissions by 33% by the end of 2033

Kemira holds the following certifications and acknowledgements:

Standard/Rating Description
ISO 14001 Environmental management
ISO 45001 Health & safety management
ISO 50001 Energy management
ISO 9001 Quality management
EcoVadis Gold level, top 2%
CDP, Climate and Water Security B
Sustainalytics 22.7
ISS ESG Rating C

Kemira’s Code of Conduct is the foundation for doing business in the right way and functions as an umbrella commitment for the entire company. Global policies are in many cases extensions of the Code of Conduct commitments. Below are highlighted some of Kemira’s policies and their key contents:

Key policies Description of main policy commitments
Code of Conduct Kemira Group Code of Conduct is the foundation for doing business the right way. The Code reflects Kemira’s values and the principles set out in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Code of Conduct includes 19 statements covering commitments to work with community, customers, suppliers, markets, society, and investors. Commitments relate to economic, environmental, people, and human rights topics. More information on the specific human rights commitments can be found in the human rights section in the Sustainability Report. Available in 19 languages.
Code of Conduct for Business Partners Document reflects Kemira’s values and the principles set out in the Kemira Group Code of Conduct. Available in 19 languages.
Product Stewardship Policy

Trade Compliance Policy

Compliance with chemical regulatory requirements, to assess human health and safety and environmental protection aspects, identify and manage chemical risks, and share information about the above-mentioned themes. To protect human health and safety with different measures. Main stakeholders considered are employees and customers. Compliance with laws and regulations regarding exporting and importing of products; compliance with international trade sanctions.
Sustainability Policy Safe working conditions, preventing incidents, respecting human rights in operations, diversity, equity, and inclusion, protecting the environment, enabling circular economy, and protecting biodiversity. Main stakeholders are our employees and value chain partners. Available in several languages.
Sourcing and Procurement Policy All activities being aligned with Kemira CoC, company values and sustainability goals, key supplier selection and supplier risk assessment criteria including sustainability performance both in social and environmental topics. Social sustainability performance expectations mainly regarding our upstream value chain partners.
Logistics and Transportation Policy Transportation and chemical safety, minimization of environmental impacts on transportation operations and sustainable logistics. To provide safe working conditions in supply chain and reduce environmental impacts. Main stakeholders are suppliers, employees, and customers.
Recruitment Policy In all recruitments, respect of diversity, equal opportunity, and treatment regardless of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, creed, political persuasion, age, social status, origin or any status protected under the laws, respect of fundamental human rights, and no use of any form of forced or child labor. Particular attention is given to our own employees and subjects of recruitment, which are also the main stakeholders.
Global Competition Law Compliance Policy

Gifts, Entertainment, and Anti-Bribery Policy

Fair and ethical competition, within framework of applicable laws. No anti-competitive activities. Zero tolerance towards bribery and corruption.
Tax policy Conducting our business in compliance with all applicable tax, customs, and transfer pricing laws and regulations and according to high ethical standards.
Sponsorship and Donation Policy Securing that our sponsorship activities are aligned with Kemira strategy. Supporting initiatives to innovate sustainable solutions that create a better everyday for us all and support initiatives for building good relationships with communities in which we operate.
Misconduct Reporting Policy Policy encourages everyone working for or with Kemira to report any suspicion of misconduct confidentially and without fear of retaliation. Policy sets out the procedures applicable when reporting misconduct to Kemira, including how these reports will be followed up, and how the reporters are protected. Kemira supports an open culture that encourages everyone to speak freely and without fear of harassment. Kemira provides a channel for reporting any suspicion of misconduct confidentially and without fear of retaliation. A reporting person will not be dismissed, bullied, discriminated against, or otherwise retaliated against for making a report or complaint. Any person, regardless of position, who engages in retaliatory behavior will be subject to disciplinary action.Kemira is committed to the following international sustainability principles and commitments:

Kemira is committed to the following international sustainability principles and commitments:

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Core conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO)
  • United Nations Guiding Principles
  • UN Global Compact
  • UN Forward Faster initiative
  • Science-Based targets initiative
  • Renewable Carbon Initiative
  • Responsible Care®

Additionally, Kemira has a Group Statement for Slavery and Human Trafficking.

We report on scopes 1, 2 & 3. Our methodology for calculating GHG emissions is aligned with the GHG protocol.

Since 2022, we have been committed to reducing emissions from our own operations by 52% (scope 1 and 2) by 2030 from a 2018 baseline, in line with the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). For scope 3, Kemira is committed to reducing absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution and downstream transportation and distribution 33% by 2033 from a 2021 base year.

Kemira has an integrated management system which is a set of standards, procedures, and practices to achieve environmental goals through continual planning, implementation, evaluation, and review of environmental performance. One of the primary goals of Kemira’s management system is compliance with legal requirements. We have identified our legal compliance obligations and have implemented an auditing process to verify conformance through internal and external audits and the ISO 14001 verification process.

Kemira regularly conducts EHSQ compliance audits at manufacturing sites, research and development laboratories, and offices. Additionally, third-party legal compliance audits are conducted annually at a sampling of sites. Verification of legal compliance is also provided annually by all sites as part of the environmental performance data collection and reporting processes. Kemira’s integrated management system requires all sites to report non-compliance to the group’s Global EHSQ Team using our incident reporting program.

Safety and safe working conditions are a priority at Kemira. Kemira has a Sustainability Policy which can be read here. This policy outlines the commitment and management of sustainability requirements within Kemira. It states the 12 commitments with respect to stakeholders, environment, and governance.

Additionally, Kemira has an internal Product Stewardship Policy in place. Kemira’s Product Stewardship Policy ensures that our products can be safely used by our stakeholders, that they are safe for environment, and that chemical risks and their impacts are incorporated into decision-making relating to Kemira’s operations, strategy implementation, and long-term strategic development.

Kemira’s safety target is TRIF 1.5 or less for 2030. Annual TRIF is disclosed in our sustainability report.

Every employee receives mandatory, regular training on our Code of Conduct. Additionally, specific employee groups are trained on topics such as anti-corruption.

Kemira has an Ethics and Compliance Hotline, which is a whistleblower mechanism we put in place so that people can raise concerns or report potential misconduct. This system is available for both internal and external stakeholders at any time. Kemira also has an internal Misconduct Reporting Policy in place. More information can be found in our Sustainability Statement.

Kemira has thousands of suppliers and our sourcing function is globally responsible for strategic spend management. Kemira’s suppliers are segmented into four categories: strategic, critical, volume and base suppliers.

Kemira conducts supplier performance evaluations, and all suppliers are expected to adhere to Kemira’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners. The Code of Conduct for Business Partners is communicated to all suppliers through the ordering process as part of Kemira’s terms and conditions. Kemira uses EcoVadis, a global sustainability rating company based on international standards, to carry out sustainability assessments for all of our suppliers.

Sourcing page

Kemira previously disclosed non-financial information based on the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and prepared the sustainability information in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) disclosures. Starting from 2024, Kemira now reports according to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requirements.

As of 2024, Kemira will no longer publish a separate Sustainability Report based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). As the disclosure requirements between CSRD and GRI differ, some previously reported KPIs and metrics required by GRI will no longer be reported in this Sustainability Statement. Kemira has compiled a GRI index to ease the transition to CSRD reporting. The GRI index is available on Kemira’s website.

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