Phosphorus removal
With phosphorus removal, strict continuous compliance is key. This is what the Kemira KemConnect P is for.
Our algorithm for multiple dosing points doses the exact amount of coagulants required for chemical phosphate removal even under changing process conditions. The KemConnect platform enables 24/7 water discharge compliance and contributes to environmental protection at the best total cost of ownership.
KemConnect™ P benefits include
Reliable operational performance and stable effluent quality
Changing process conditions – such as fluctuating feed rates and phosphorus loads – require appropriate adjustment of the coagulant dosage.
Continuous monitoring combined with precise control over product dosing at multiple dosing points optimizes chemical use to ensure compliant water discharge quality.
Optimized chemical dosing and lower costs
Our online analytics and patented multiple dosing point control algorithm ensure continuous real-time process optimization, ensuring the right dose is administered at the right time and in the right place.
Peace of mind
Turnkey installation and start-up, expert chemical recommendations, and dosage advice – along with employee training and technical support – ensure a fully optimized process.
Automated reports and alerts via email/SMS – along with 24/7 access to online dashboards and process KPIs – provide peace of mind that the effluent is compliant with permits and regulatory phosphorus discharge limits.